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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0029497MBM DemoOtherpublic2022-07-13 22:53
Reporterguest Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0029497: Thanks funny site [url=]fluconazole diflucan and hair l
DescriptionThanks funny site [url=]fluconazole diflucan and hair loss[/url] Joe Moran, author of On Roads: A Hidden History, says the UK was initially anxious in the post-war era that it was falling behind other countries in relation to elevated roads. But the few that were built proved controversial - the construction of London's Westway in the late 1960s led to the first big road protest, he says. Today the situation is subtly different. It is politically difficult to build new motorways through virgin countryside. Motorway widening and improvement is the limit of what can be achieved. A double-decker road presented in that context - adding capacity through an extra layer - might just have a chance where a brand new road would fail, he says.
Steps To ReproduceThanks funny site [url=]fluconazole diflucan and hair loss[/url] Joe Moran, author of On Roads: A Hidden History, says the UK was initially anxious in the post-war era that it was falling behind other countries in relation to elevated roads. But the few that were built proved controversial - the construction of London's Westway in the late 1960s led to the first big road protest, he says. Today the situation is subtly different. It is politically difficult to build new motorways through virgin countryside. Motorway widening and improvement is the limit of what can be achieved. A double-decker road presented in that context - adding capacity through an extra layer - might just have a chance where a brand new road would fail, he says.
Additional InformationThanks funny site [url=]fluconazole diflucan and hair loss[/url] Joe Moran, author of On Roads: A Hidden History, says the UK was initially anxious in the post-war era that it was falling behind other countries in relation to elevated roads. But the few that were built proved controversial - the construction of London's Westway in the late 1960s led to the first big road protest, he says. Today the situation is subtly different. It is politically difficult to build new motorways through virgin countryside. Motorway widening and improvement is the limit of what can be achieved. A double-decker road presented in that context - adding capacity through an extra layer - might just have a chance where a brand new road would fail, he says.
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