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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001046MBM DemoReliabilitypublic2021-08-06 09:52
Reporterguest Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0001046: What sort of work do you do? [url=]metoprolol patente plm[/url] A new li
DescriptionWhat sort of work do you do? [url=]metoprolol patente plm[/url] A new little box is about to wave in the future of computer navigation -- quite literally. The $79.99 Leap Motion, which begins shipping and arriving in Best Buy stores this week, brings gesture control to Mac and Windows computers. With hand gestures such as waves, pokes, reaches and grabs in the air you can navigate games and other programs, just like Tom Cruise in "Minority Report." It's bold, fun and futuristic, but not everything is picture perfect.
Steps To ReproduceWhat sort of work do you do? [url=]metoprolol patente plm[/url] A new little box is about to wave in the future of computer navigation -- quite literally. The $79.99 Leap Motion, which begins shipping and arriving in Best Buy stores this week, brings gesture control to Mac and Windows computers. With hand gestures such as waves, pokes, reaches and grabs in the air you can navigate games and other programs, just like Tom Cruise in "Minority Report." It's bold, fun and futuristic, but not everything is picture perfect.
Additional InformationWhat sort of work do you do? [url=]metoprolol patente plm[/url] A new little box is about to wave in the future of computer navigation -- quite literally. The $79.99 Leap Motion, which begins shipping and arriving in Best Buy stores this week, brings gesture control to Mac and Windows computers. With hand gestures such as waves, pokes, reaches and grabs in the air you can navigate games and other programs, just like Tom Cruise in "Minority Report." It's bold, fun and futuristic, but not everything is picture perfect.
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