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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0029757MBM DemoOtherpublic2024-11-13 16:05
Reporterguest Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0029757: What sort of music do you listen to? [url=]nootrop
DescriptionWhat sort of music do you listen to? [url=]nootropil injetavel posologia[/url] However, the scientists from Imperial College London said that they were unable to distinguish between the effects of daytime noise and night time noise. As a result, they could not say if the results were due to people having their sleep continually disrupted at night.
Steps To ReproduceWhat sort of music do you listen to? [url=]nootropil injetavel posologia[/url] However, the scientists from Imperial College London said that they were unable to distinguish between the effects of daytime noise and night time noise. As a result, they could not say if the results were due to people having their sleep continually disrupted at night.
Additional InformationWhat sort of music do you listen to? [url=]nootropil injetavel posologia[/url] However, the scientists from Imperial College London said that they were unable to distinguish between the effects of daytime noise and night time noise. As a result, they could not say if the results were due to people having their sleep continually disrupted at night.
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