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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0029529MBM DemoReliabilitypublic2022-07-13 23:33
Reporterguest Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0029529: What qualifications have you got? [url=
DescriptionWhat qualifications have you got? [url=]ivermectin 12 mg for breastfeeding mothers[/url] Home owners with an interest-only mortgage have been hit particularly hard by the changes, he added. "Older borrowers who are coming to the end of an interest-only deal and cannot repay the capital are struggling to remortgage," Mr Strutt said. "Many are being forced to sell other assets – or their homes – in order to pay off the debt because they can't get a mortgage with a long enough term to make the repayments affordable."
Steps To ReproduceWhat qualifications have you got? [url=]ivermectin 12 mg for breastfeeding mothers[/url] Home owners with an interest-only mortgage have been hit particularly hard by the changes, he added. "Older borrowers who are coming to the end of an interest-only deal and cannot repay the capital are struggling to remortgage," Mr Strutt said. "Many are being forced to sell other assets – or their homes – in order to pay off the debt because they can't get a mortgage with a long enough term to make the repayments affordable."
Additional InformationWhat qualifications have you got? [url=]ivermectin 12 mg for breastfeeding mothers[/url] Home owners with an interest-only mortgage have been hit particularly hard by the changes, he added. "Older borrowers who are coming to the end of an interest-only deal and cannot repay the capital are struggling to remortgage," Mr Strutt said. "Many are being forced to sell other assets – or their homes – in order to pay off the debt because they can't get a mortgage with a long enough term to make the repayments affordable."
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