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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0029092MBM DemoOtherpublic2022-06-01 11:16
Reporterguest Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0029092: I'll text you later [url=]coumadin pret[/url] If new plants ar
DescriptionI'll text you later [url=]coumadin pret[/url] If new plants are needed, select these with the person living with dementia. They may have favourites which bring back memories of happy times. Go to the garden centre and let the dementia sufferer physically handle the plants, flowers and gardening items which may trigger memories more effectively than looking at pictures.
Steps To ReproduceI'll text you later [url=]coumadin pret[/url] If new plants are needed, select these with the person living with dementia. They may have favourites which bring back memories of happy times. Go to the garden centre and let the dementia sufferer physically handle the plants, flowers and gardening items which may trigger memories more effectively than looking at pictures.
Additional InformationI'll text you later [url=]coumadin pret[/url] If new plants are needed, select these with the person living with dementia. They may have favourites which bring back memories of happy times. Go to the garden centre and let the dementia sufferer physically handle the plants, flowers and gardening items which may trigger memories more effectively than looking at pictures.
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