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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0029039MBM DemoReliabilitypublic2022-06-01 04:04
Reporterguest Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0029039: Do you know the address? [url=]famvir for cold sores australia[/ur
DescriptionDo you know the address? [url=]famvir for cold sores australia[/url] Kate Alley, Cancer Research UK's tobacco policy manager, said: ''This new evidence from Australia confirms what we already know, selling cigarettes in standardised packs makes smoking less appealing and encourages smokers to quit. When cigarettes aren't disguised by flashy packaging and carefully crafted branding, smokers see them for what they are - a lethal product which kills half of its long term users.
Steps To ReproduceDo you know the address? [url=]famvir for cold sores australia[/url] Kate Alley, Cancer Research UK's tobacco policy manager, said: ''This new evidence from Australia confirms what we already know, selling cigarettes in standardised packs makes smoking less appealing and encourages smokers to quit. When cigarettes aren't disguised by flashy packaging and carefully crafted branding, smokers see them for what they are - a lethal product which kills half of its long term users.
Additional InformationDo you know the address? [url=]famvir for cold sores australia[/url] Kate Alley, Cancer Research UK's tobacco policy manager, said: ''This new evidence from Australia confirms what we already know, selling cigarettes in standardised packs makes smoking less appealing and encourages smokers to quit. When cigarettes aren't disguised by flashy packaging and carefully crafted branding, smokers see them for what they are - a lethal product which kills half of its long term users.
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