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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0028908MBM DemoPerformancepublic2024-11-13 17:23
Reporterguest Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0028908: Could you ask her to call me? [url=]infant tylenol equivalent in india[/url
DescriptionCould you ask her to call me? [url=]infant tylenol equivalent in india[/url] Rasheed, who the Taliban broke out of prison last year, said the militants supported both boys and girls going to school as long as they received an Islamic education and didn’t study what he called a “satanic or secular curriculum.” Malala wrote in a blog for the BBC at the time the Taliban controlled Swat about how many students moved out of the valley after the Taliban issued an edict banning girls from school.
Steps To ReproduceCould you ask her to call me? [url=]infant tylenol equivalent in india[/url] Rasheed, who the Taliban broke out of prison last year, said the militants supported both boys and girls going to school as long as they received an Islamic education and didn’t study what he called a “satanic or secular curriculum.” Malala wrote in a blog for the BBC at the time the Taliban controlled Swat about how many students moved out of the valley after the Taliban issued an edict banning girls from school.
Additional InformationCould you ask her to call me? [url=]infant tylenol equivalent in india[/url] Rasheed, who the Taliban broke out of prison last year, said the militants supported both boys and girls going to school as long as they received an Islamic education and didn’t study what he called a “satanic or secular curriculum.” Malala wrote in a blog for the BBC at the time the Taliban controlled Swat about how many students moved out of the valley after the Taliban issued an edict banning girls from school.
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